The act of prayer is the most selfless thing one can ever do.
It is admitting that we can do nothing to change ourselves, the nature of who we are.
It is an act of surrender to God.
The most selfless, yet most powerful way to reach out to another is by prayer.
In prayer, we admit that we fallen mortals cannot truly affect others' souls. We cannot unlock and bandage up those secret wounds of the heart. We're mere mortals. All we can do is as a fellow mortal and sinner bring that person to the feet of the Savior-
Christ who is our Healer saw our infirmities; He saw through us. He didn't just see our infirmities, He lived and breathed them in the flesh. He is the only one who is able to remove the stains and the scars of sin in man's heart. He is the only One. And prayer for another person is admitting that. We are as helpless to help ourselves as we are to help others.
Sometimes I wonder if God has a big scarred heart.
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